Monday 28 November 2011

Bumble Bee And Optimus Prime ( Advance Rendering )

Hi all , i'm in advance rendering module in my school and i decided to give my models a try on rendering , here is the result

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Update 2 :)

Did some tweaking of the glow effect , painted the whole model's flame design. Break connection with some bumps . Will paint a displacement map scratch metal effect to it soon. Stay tune , peeps :)

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Updates on Optimus Prime ( rendering )

Decide that I should work on the shaders and lighting last night :) here's a screenshot

Wednesday 5 October 2011

First Post

Hi there , This will be the first post. the purpose of this blog is just to keep track of my portfolio as well as build up a proper way to display what are the skills i have in this 3D animation field. So far so good , i have not learn any 3D animation yet , but already learn the art of 3D modeling. Next semester which start like 11 days later will start my 3D animation modules. Hope i can learn more and keep this blog updated with fresh work. Hahaha , Stay tune people :)